Voxel Turf
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Voxel Turf Console Command Guide

Accurate as of 22/09/2017.

Press "t" to open the console. Arguments in [SQUARE_BRACKETS] are optional

Privilege Levels

The privilege levels used by Voxel Turf are listed below:
~ Admin
& SuperOp
@ Op
% HalfOp
+ Voice

You can set the privilege levels of players by editing /settings/gobalprivileges.txt. This will effect all servers run on this machine. Additionally, you can edit /savegames/(save_game_name)/privileges to have a privileges list for that specific game mode. If a player has a higher privilege level in either file, they will be set to that level.

When you log in to the Voxel Turf client, you will automatically be added as an admin on /settings/globalprivileges.txt. The effect is that you will always be an admin for servers run on your machine.

In addition, you can whitelist your server. To do this, go to /settings/blacklist.txt, insert the line "%WHITELIST" in the file. This will make the server appear offline to any player that is not on the list. Keep in mind that you cannot run a server with both a blacklist and a whitelist at the same time.

List of Commands

Lot Commands:


die (Any)
Deals 1000 damage to the player
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give (Op)
Gives you 1x Item. If Quantity is specified, gives Quantity of Item. Quantity is capped by the stack size for that item
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me (Voice)
/me Text
IRC style me command. Gives the output "*YourPlayerName Text"
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mode (Half Op)
Sets the privilege level of the listed players. You may not set the privilege level of a player with a higher privilege level. Valid arguments of MODE are:
-v Devoice. Players cannot talk
v Voice. Players can talk
h Half Op
o Op
s Super Op
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save (Super Op)
Saves the game.
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exit (Admin)
Shuts down the server without saving.
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credits (Op)
/credits [QUANTITY]
Gives you 10,000 credits. Gives Quantity if specified. Quantity may be negative.
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money (Op)
/money [QUANTITY]
Gives you $10,000.00. Gives Quantity in dollars if specified. Quantity may be negative.
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teleport (Half Op)
/tp X [Y] Z
Teleports you to (X, Y, Z). Does not care if (X, Y, Z) is out of bounds or not.

If Y is not given then this teleports you to coordinate (X, YA, Z), where YA is the height of the heighest non-air block in the column at X, Z. Will then fail if (X, Z) are out of bounds.

Also the arguments can be replaced with a tilde "~" if you want to warp to the current value of the coordinate. Eg: /tp ~ 400 will warp you to (currentX, 400). You can use /tp ~ ~ to teleport you to the top of any building you are in
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ping (And)
Pings the server and returns the round trip time.
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lua (Any, client side command only)
Executes the provided expression, client side. Prints the result to the in-game console.
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fill (Op)
/fill BLOCK_ID X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
Fills the region (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2) with block BLOCK_ID. This is a simple fill, any decals or electronics(!) present will still remain.

Tip: Run the client with the --echoBlockPlacement switch to get block id and coordinates placed on screen whenever a block is placed.
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replace (Op)
/replace OLD_BLOCK_ID NEW_BLOCK_ID X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
Replaces any instance of OLD_BLOCK_ID with NEW_BLOCK_ID in the region (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2). This is a simple fill, any decals or electronics(!) present will still remain.

Tip: Run the client with the --echoBlockPlacement switch to get block id and coordinates placed on screen whenever a block is placed.
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copy (Op)
/copy X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 DX DY DZ
Copys all blocks from the region (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2) to the region (X1 + DX, Y1 + DY, Z1 + DZ) to (X2 + DX, Y2 + DY, Z2 + DZ). This is a dumb copy

Tip: Run the client with the --echoBlockPlacement switch to get block id and coordinates placed on screen whenever a block is placed.
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rotate (Op)
Copys all blocks from the region (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2) to the region (X1 + DX, Y1 + DY, Z1 + DZ) to (X2 + DX, Y2 + DY, Z2 + DZ). This nROTATIONS 90 degree anti-clockwise turns are applied the blocks (both the group and the individual blocks). If MIRRORX/Y/Z is present and set to Y (eg /rotate 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 Y Y Y), then the blocks will be mirrored on the X/Y/Z axis. Mirroring only effects block position and not type/rotation.

Tip: Run the client with the --echoBlockPlacement switch to get block id and coordinates placed on screen whenever a block is placed.
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mirror (Op)
Alias of /rotate.
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rdecal (Op)
/replace OLD_DECAL_ID NEW_DECAL_ID X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
Replaces any decals with OLD_DECAL_ID with NEW_DECAL_ID in the region (X1, Y1, Z1) to (X2, Y2, Z2). Does not modify any blocks
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kick (Half Op)
/kick PLAYER_1 [PLAYER_2] ... [PLAYER_N]
Kicks PLAYER_1 ... PLAYER_N from the server. Any players with higher or equal privlege levels will not be kicked
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ban (Half Op)
Bans PLAYER from the server. All bans are permanent, however you can unban someone with the unban command. If you are operating with a whitelist, then you cannot ban players. Instead, use unwhitelist. You cannot ban players with a privilege level greater than or equal to yours
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unban (Half Op)
/unban PLAYER
Removes PLAYER from the banlist. If whitelisting is enabled, then this has no effect. Use whitelist command to add to whitelist
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whitelist (Half Op)
/whitelist PLAYER
Adds PLAYER to the whitelist, if whitelisting is enabled. If whitelisting is not enabled, use the unban command instead
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unwhitelist (Half Op)
/unwhitelist PLAYER
Removes PLAYER from the whitelist, if whitelisting is enabled. If whitelisting is not enabled, use the ban command instead
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loadout (Op)
Cheat that gives you a bunch of weapons + mods + levels + unlimited ammo. Useful for testing and filming
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clear (any)
Clears the chat log. Not a cheat, is used clientside
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notoriety (Op)
/notoriety VAL
Sets your notoriety/wanted level. VAL is a value from 0 to 5000.
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fly (Op)
Enables/disables fly mode. Hold JUMP to fly up, hold CROUCH to drop down, hold SPRINT to move faster
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exp (Op)
Gives AMOUNT experience points to you
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reputation (Op)
/reputation AMOUNT
Sets your reputation to AMOUNT. AMOUNT is from -100 to 100
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motd (Op)
Sets the message of the day for the server
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assignmission (Op)
/assignmission MID
Spawns and assigns a mission with id MID to you. Eg, /assignmission 11003
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eliminate (Op)
/eliminate PLAYER
Eliminates the specified player
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annex (Op)
/annex PLAYER
Annexes the specified player
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yesman (Op)
Forces the AI to accept any diplomatic proposal
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ftick (Op)
Forces the server to do an onHour tick
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specialbuild (Op)
Allows you to build any special building regardless of requirements
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heal (Op)
Restores your HP to max
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godmode (Op)
Makes you invunerable to damage, grants you a 10x damage multiplier
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nofuzz (Op)
Alias of /notoriety 0, makes the CDF go away
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tfreeze/unfreeze/dawn/midday/afternoon/dusk/middnight (any)
/tfreeze, or /unfreeze, or /dawn, etc
Sets and freezes the time of day as rendered by the client. /tfreeze TIME will set the time of day where 0.0 = midnight, 0.5 = midday and 1.0 = midnight, /tfreeze with no argument will unfreeze the time. /unfreeze also unfreezes the time.

/dawn, /midday, /afternoon, /dusk and /middnight freezes the time at around these times (slightly off so that shadows actually render).

The sever clock ticks along as usual. This does not count as a cheat and is executed clientside, so if you can't see at night or you want to film or take screenshots under a certain lighting conditions use these.
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lotrange (Op)
/lotrange X1 Z1 X2 Z2 [Command] [Arg1] [Arg2] ...
Issues a /lot command for each lot in the range (X1, Z1) to (X2, Z2) with the specified args
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lot (Op)
Lists lot commands. Lot commands are executed for the lot you are currently standing in
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lot attach (Op)
/lot attach DIR
DIR must be n, s, e or w. Attaches this lot to the one in the specified direction. It is recommended that you use the /lot merge command instead
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lot detach (Op)
/lot detach
If this lot is attached to another, then this lot is detached from it.
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lot dump (Op)
/lot dump
Prints debug information
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lot free (Op)
/lot free
Detaches the lot from any others, and sets the owner to zero (unowned). Has alias /lot vacant
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lot merge (Op)
/lot merge XSIZE ZSIZE
Attaches adjacent lots into one lot of size XSIZE lots north and ZSIZE east from the player's location. Example: /lot merge 2 3 will create a 2x3 lot
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lot export (Op)
Saves the lot to file. Everything in the lot is saved, including blocks, decals and electronics. If you import a lot somewhere else you will have something identical there. DIR is the direction that the lot is facing, and must be n, s, e or w. FILENAME is the name of the file to save to - the output will be at /lots/FILENAME.lot. By default only the region from 1 block below the player to the hieghest block in the lot are saved, use the HEIGHT argument to specify a different start height. Has alias /lot save
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lot import (Op)
Loads the lot from file /lots/FILENAME.lot into the map. DIR specifies the facing of the lot and must be n, s, e or w. If this is different than the saved direction, the lot will be rotated. In the case of a lot that is more than 1x1 in size, then lots to the east and north will be merged to fit the imported lot. HEIGHT specifies the height at which the lot is imported, by default this is 1 block below the player.

Finally FILLMODE determines what happens to blocks below and above the imported lot. If omitted, this will fill blocks below the lot with either stone or clay, depending on depth. Blocks above will be removed, and any decals or electronics above or below the lot will be removed. If NOFILL is passed, then blocks below and above are not touched. if BRIDGE is passed, then blocks below and above are not touched, however any non-air block from the bottom row of the lot will be filled downwards and penetrate 2m into the ground below.
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lot road (Op)
/lot road DIRFLAGS
Marks the lot as a Road lot. This will appear white on the map.

DIRFLAGS can be any combination of n, s, e, w, nh, sh, eh, wh and tl. For example "/lot road n s" will mark the lot as a road that the AI can drive north and south on. The "h" varients mark the lot as being high (like the platform of a bridge). tl will mark the lot as having traffic lights.
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lot rail (Op)
/lot rail
Marks the lot as a Rail lot. This will appear dark gray on the map
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lot highway (Op)
/lot highway
Marks the lot as a Highway lot. This will appear yellow on the map
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lot sea (Op)
/lot sea
Marks the lot as a Sea lot. This will appear blue on the map
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lot hills (Op)
/lot hills
Marks the lot as a Hills lot. This will appear green on the map
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lot owner (Op)
/lot owner, /lot owner PLAYERNAME
Sets the owner of the lot that you are currently standing in
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lot occupier (Op)
/lot occupier, /lot occupier PLAYERNAME
Sets the occupier of the lot that you are currently standing in
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road (Op)
Imports a road at /lots/road/FILENAME and marks the lot as road. This will appear white on the map. Equivilent to /lot import n road/ROADTYPE/FILENAME
nStraight road going north/south
eStraight road going east/west
cneCurve linking north and east
cseCurve linking south and east
cnwCurve linking north and west
cswCurve linking south and west
cross4 way intersection
jnseT Junction linking north, south and east
jnswT Junction linking north, south and west
jnewT Junction linking north, east and west
jsewT Junction linking south, east and west
rampup1Road that raises 1m over 1 lot in the north direction
rampdown1Road that decends 1m over 1 lot in the north direction
rampup5Road that raises 5m over 4 lots in the north direction
rampdown5Road that decends 5m over 4 lots in the north direction

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road set (Op)
/road set TYPE
Sets the type of road placed with the /road command
rRoad with line markings, but not footpaths of lights
rclRoad with concrete to both sides and street lights
rfRoad with footpaths
rflRoad with footpaths and lights
sStreet - Road with no line markings, but has footpaths

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